
The Metal-Era Learning Center

Time to Rethink the Edge

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It is well documented that a large percentage of roof system failure is attributed to the edge, with the wood nailer cited as the primary source of the issue. Wood nailers are prone to deterioration because of extreme weather conditions, insect infiltration, and mold. These are all factors that affect the strength of the roof edge and cause failure during high winds, rain, hail, storms, tornados, hurricanes, and other severe weather.

The good news is wood nailers are not your only option for the nailer; instead you can use extruded aluminum as an alternative. Extruded aluminum comes with a variety of benefits versus the wood nailer. It will not warp, crack, split, rot, or deform, allowing continuous insulation to the roof edge (providing thermal advantages).

Metal-Era offers a great alternative to the wood nailer that changes how the roof is constructed, eliminating the nailer and replacing it with a stronger alternative: Eliminailer-T.

Extruded from heavy gauge aluminum and manufactured using more than 50% recycled, weather-resistant materials, Eliminailer-T is engineered for maximum roof performance and decreases liability and cost.

Take a look at the full comparison of Metal-Era’s wood nailer alternative to the traditional wood nailer.

Eliminailer-T vs Wood Nailers
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